McDonald’s: Uses Self-Service Kiosks

Los Angeles / CA. (avt) AVT Inc., a leading manufacturer of automated retailing systems, self-service kiosks, and custom vending machines, commented on McDonald’s announcement that they are going to implement self-service kiosks in over 2’000 of the fast-food giant’s restaurants.

McDonald’s and other large businesses and franchises are part of a growing trend to use kiosk technology to enhance consumer experience, reduce costs and improve service.

James Winsor, CEO and Chief Engineer at AVT, who was part of the early development of kiosk technology in airline industry, sees this as a step in the right direction.

«When you look at a cost-benefit analysis, self-service solutions provide multiple benefits and a rapid return-on-investment», Winsor commented. «These benefits, which are also found in automated retailing systems, extend to enhancing customer engagement, broadening distribution, improving customer satisfaction, increasing sales, and accelerating the purchasing process».

Companies as diverse as Redbox and Rug Doctor have changed the way people buy or rent products in everyday life. Entire business models have been built around automated solutions, and now, with giants like McDonald’s joining the club, the number of businesses and brands seeking self-service solutions will only grow higher.

Wayne Salvino, President of AVT Inc., said that AVT is well-positioned to help large corporations develop enterprise self-service solutions. «We have a track record of creating high-performance systems using our patented technologies that deliver award-winning design and industry-leading quality», Salvino said. «When you look at the most innovative, technology-rich automated retailing systems of the past five-years, many if not most of them, got their start at AVT» (Imgage Source: TheBoxBrands).

Food out of the Box: How does it taste?

One of AVT’s customers is The Box Brands with their «BurritoBox». On Youtube there is a nice video that shows how this vending machine works and how the burritos taste.