Profile America: about Clichés and Sandwiches

Washington / DC. (gov) November 03 is U.S. Cliché Day – any way you slice it, a minor and obscure occasion. While the ostensible purpose is to encourage our verbal banalities, it might also be stretched to stereotypes. Such as the cliché that men in particular are enchanted by sandwiches. If true, then November 03 has double meaning, as it is National Sandwich Day. This date was chosen in honor of the birthday in 1718 of John Montague, the fourth Earl of Sandwich, and the purported inventor of the sandwich as fast food. Authoritative sources put the Earl’s actual birthday as November 13, but no use crying over spilled milk. America’s 63’000 grocery stores with delicatessen sections help in the assembly of better sandwiches through their 21 billion USD worth of annual sales of deli meats and cheeses – according to the U.S. Census Bureau (Image: Map from 1945 East Kent, United Kingdom).