AIBI: «European Bakery World — Challenges + Solutions»

Dusseldorf / DE. (aibi) Istanbul bridges the continents. In an increasingly globalized world this city is the right place for the XXXI Congress of the «Association Internationale de la Boulangerie Industrielle» (AIBI), which offers a meeting event for entrepreneurs in the bakery world from the whole of Europe and beyond – AIBI-President Guido Vanherpe says in his greetings in «European Bakery World – Challenges + Solutions» (PDF | 28 pages | 2,67 MB). The slogan of the AIBI Congress 2009 underlines the importance of finding new ways of conducting business in a changing and challenging environment. Experts will offer insights and forecasts for the markets, raw materials and customers. Reports from colleagues on their domestic markets will highlight developments which may also be relevant for other markets. For the first time AIBI members will have the opportunity to welcome guests from the bakery business in the Middle East which will surely facilitate future business contacts. The congress takes place on June 11 to 14 – the programme is available here (PDF | 28 pages | 2,67 MB).