Forecast: prices for grains and by-products in Kazakhstan

Asatna / KZ. (apk) The prices for grains and by-products in Kazakhstan will increase due to devaluation of tenge on the domestic market, declared Majuit Esenbaev, the chairman of the Agency of competition protection of the Republic of Kazakhstan. According to him, the market of grains and the markets of flour, bakery and macaroni products are one of the most sensitive markets, the forecasts are made for. As everybody knows, the prices on the domestic market of grains are attached to the world prices, and the government did not introduce any limitations for exports, marked Esenbaev. As a result, the prices on the domestic market will rise due to the devaluation, and exporters will receive no advantages selling grains in Kazakhstan at the current tenge prices, which became lower compared to the world ones in re-calculation to USD. Otherwise, grain exports will increase, and the domestic market will get grains deficit, and graisn and by-product will rise in prices again (APK Inform).