Kraft Foods: redefines its recipe for success

Northfield / IL. (kf) Chairman and CEO Irene Rosenfeld unveiled the new Kraft Foods Inc. at the Consumer Analyst Group of New York (CAGNY) conference in Boca Raton (FL). Two years into its three-year turnaround plan to return to sustainable growth, the company is delivering on its promise to create a new Kraft Foods. «’Make today delicious’ defines, unites and inspires us by capturing the essence of Kraft Foods», said Rosenfeld. «During the past two years, we´ve built a solid foundation by reinvesting in our brands, putting a new organization in place and improving our cost structure. As the next step in our turnaround, we´re adding three new ingredients to our recipe for success – a higher purpose that acts as a common call to action, values in action that guide our behavior and a new look and feel to visually depict our renewed energy. Together, they will accelerate our journey from good to great».

The journey to delicious

To define the new Kraft Foods, the company turned to those who know it best. Using a co-creation process, the company engaged thousands of employees and consumers worldwide. Out of these collaborative sessions, fostered by social networking tools and interactive focus groups, came the new higher purpose and values in action. «Employees and consumers told us loud and clear: delicious is our difference», said Rosenfeld. «’Delicious’ will be the litmus test for everything we do. When times are tough, we all need to feel part of something bigger, so this new direction could not have come at a better time».

Purpose: Make today delicious

«Make today delicious» articulates what the new Kraft Foods is all about – from the food it makes to the experiences it creates for consumers. Not only does it speak to the passions of a leading global food company, it conveys a compelling sense of urgency. Whether it´s grabbing a quick bite or sitting down to family night, we simply must make delicious foods people feel good about», said Rosenfeld. «But ‘delicious’ is so much more. It starts with delighting consumers with great-tasting food, but it´s also about making a delicious difference in our workplaces, our communities and our world».

Values in action: drive a high-performing culture

Building on its «rewire» strategy, which put the right structure and teams in place to enable growth, Kraft Foods has evolved its focus to building a high-performing organization. Values in action are the key ingredients in making that purpose a reality. Actionable values have the power to improve emotional connection, leading to more productive, empowered and engaged employees. «Pairing our new purpose with clear values unifies employees and enables a high-performing culture», said Rosenfeld. Kraft Foods´ values in action are:
We inspire trust.
We act like owners.
We keep it simple.
We are open and inclusive.
We tell it like it is.
We lead from the head and the heart.
We discuss. We decide. We deliver.

«It´s intentional that our first value is ‘we inspire trust’, which is more important than ever in today’s environment,» said Rosenfeld. «And it´s no coincidence that our last value ends with ‘we deliver’, because we know how important it is to deliver results».

New corporate identity

With a new purpose and values setting a fresh direction, Kraft Foods also gave its corporate logo a facelift to more clearly deliver «delicious». Starting now, people around the world will begin to see the new identity that deliciously features a smile, the natural reaction to delicious foods and experiences, and a colorful flavor burst. It signals to employees, consumers and investors what the new Kraft Foods is all about.

About: Kraft Foods ) makes today delicious in 150 countries around the globe. Around 100’000 Kraft Foodies work tirelessly to make delicious foods consumers can feel good about. Kraft is the world´s second largest food company with annual revenues of 42 billion USD.