FMI: Statement on Senate Passage of GMO Labeling Bill

Arlington / VA. (fmi) Food Marketing Institute (FMI) issued the following statement from FMI President and CEO Leslie G. Sarasin on the U.S. Senate’s passage of the biotechnology labeling bill championed by Sens. Pat Roberts (R-KS) and Debbie Stabenow (D-MI). Sarasin said: «FMI applauds the Senate’s favorable action on this critical agriculture biotechnology labeling legislation and calls on the House of Representatives to also act on this time-sensitive bill before it recesses next week. The development of a single national GMO labeling standard is absolutely essential to avoid the consumer confusion that will emerge from a patchwork of differing state laws, conflicting definitions and divergent labeling criteria regarding biotechnology. The Roberts-Stabenow agreement will allow consumers the opportunity to receive accurate and accessible information they desire by offering the food industry an efficient, economical and orderly means of providing such information. We and our partners in the Coalition for Safe Affordable Food praise this important Senate action in support of this legislation and encourage the House’s expeditious passage of the bill next week».