United Biscuits: Union fears over 125 jobs at Liverpool plant

Hayes / UK. (prn) Unite, the largest union in the United Kingdom, this week reacted angrily to the growing threat to jobs at United Biscuits´ Liverpool site (Jacob´s) posed by a restructuring programme which could see 125 jobs offshored to India. United Biscuits is a leading manufacturer of biscuits and snacks, based in Hayes, UK.

The move has shocked workers because it is in stark contrast to the record company profits announced last year which saw workers receive bonuses and star awards for their achievements. Months later, they have been told that their jobs may now be going to India this year.

A Unite Regional officer said: «The decision by United Biscuits to look into offshoring possibilities and visit these sites in India comes at a bad time for all, but for our members at the Liverpool site this is an especially worrying development. Our members´ hard work over the last year has seen the company announce healthy profits and staff must be rewarded by the company. We will do everything we can to make sure these jobs are not offshored to India. We will be seeking an urgent meeting with the company to discuss their proposals».

In 2007, United Biscuits´ turnover reached one billion GBP. In its most recent results statement, for the first half of 2008, It said it had seen small revenues and profits rises last year and said it aimed to cope with turbulent market conditions «through accelerated cost savings programmes and improved consumer value driven by increased innovation and promotional investments».