«Organic»: Launches grow steadily in Germany

Chicago / IL. (mi) A quarter (25 percent) of all food and drink products launched in Germany in 2017 carried organic claims, according to new data from Mintel Global New Products Database (GNPD) published this week. Organic launches have grown steadily over the past ten years in Germany, with the number of launches growing almost fourfold (291 percent) between 2008 and 2017.

Yet, almost three quarters (72 percent) of Germans would like to have an even wider choice of organic food and drink products where they shop. Over half of German consumers (54 percent) say that a primary factor in their purchasing decision is if a product is organic or has organic ingredients. Support for both statements is highest among 35-44 year old consumers, with 63 percent saying that an organic claim is a primary factor in their decision making, and 79 percent saying they would like to have a wider choice of organic groceries where they shop.

Katya Witham, Global Food + Drink Analyst at Mintel comments: «The organic trend in Germany is directly linked to strong consumer demand for naturally healthy food. Growing consumer concerns for food safety, the natural environment and their overall health are fuelling demand for organic products, leading to increased use of organic certification labels in German food and drink launches».

According to a recent Mintel study, 58 percent of Germans who buy organic food and drink claim to do so because these products are GMO-free. For over half of consumers (54 percent), the fact that organic food and drink products do not contain pesticides and chemicals is an important factor. The same proportion of consumers (54 percent) single out the absence of artificial additives and preservatives in organic food and drink products as another significant factor influencing their purchase decision.

The fact that some organic products offer higher animal welfare standards appeals to over half (52 percent) of German shoppers, while 49 percent also cite the environmental credentials of organic food and drink. A large majority of Germans (71 percent) also agree that buying organic products helps support local farmers and agriculture.

Katya Witham: «Although health and nutrition remain important considerations for organic purchases, today’s consumers expect organic brands to stand for more, with environmental and ethical credentials fast becoming an integrated part of organic consumer expectations».