Technomic discovers higher foodservice usage in the UAE

Chicago / IL. (tni) In research covering the UAE region shared during the recent «Global Restaurant Leadership Conference», Technomic’s market research found that 87 percent of UAE consumers visit foodservice at least once a week, compared to 74 percent globally. This high percentage compared to international foodservice visitation is likely due to the busy, on-the-go lifestyles of UAE residents.

«Changing dynamics in the region are putting a stronger focus on tourism which provides new opportunities for foodservice,» explains Aaron Jourden, senior research manager of global at Technomic. «As top chains continue to expand units in hypercompetitive markets, it’s key for them to keep foundational basics, while still bringing something new and unique to the table.»

Here are some insights about the three countries covered:

  • 61 percent of consumers in Saudi Arabia strongly agree that snacking between meals is part of a healthy diet, compared to 43 percent globally
  • 75 percent of UAE consumers order takeout / delivery with a phone call, compared to 47 percent who do so through a smartphone or mobile app
  • 40 percent of consumers in Kuwait like to visit familiar restaurants and tend to visit the same places when they eat out