Kazakhstan: Grain exports to grow by one million tons

Astana / KZ. (ami) In 2009, Kazakh grain exports will increase by one million tonnes, declared Daulet Uvashaev, the managing director of JSC National company «Food contract corporation» on August 25. According to him, the exports will grow at the expense of wheat production and the widening of the sowing areas. Last MY, grain and flour exports from the country totaled 6,1 million tonnes. In the current MY, the general export volumes are expected at the level of seven million tonnes. Kazakhstan will concentrate own grain trading on the southern direction – to the countries of the Central Asia, Afghanistan, Iran, Azerbaijan, and Türkiye. According to the company, European markets also expect for Kazakh grains, especially for high-quality wheat and High Pro. The world market will also become interested in three-grade wheat, due to low volumes of the grain in Ukraine and Russia (source: agrimarket.info).