Brenntag: announces exclusive agreement with Borregaard

Essen-Ruhr / DE. (bag) The Brenntag Food + Nutrition business unit in North America, part of Germany’s Brenntag AG, announces a new exclusive agreement with Borregaard AS for the distribution of several product lines in the United States and Canada.

Borregaard is the only global manufacturer of sustainable vanillin made from wood, a natural and renewable raw material. This provides a distinctive product allowing for the creation of specialized flavors. Our exclusive agreement allows Brenntag to distribute synthetic vanillin, ethyl vanillin, and flavors with natural and clean label options.

This high-grade bio-based vanillin can be used in applications such as chocolate, dairy, bakery, confectionery, beverage and sweets. Since wood vanillin naturally occurs within a tree, studies suggest it has 29 times less carbon footprint than oil-based vanillin.

«Building off of a long and successful history with Brenntag in the Northeast region, we are excited to expand our cooperation to all regions within the U.S. and Canada. The level of technical expertise the Food + Nutrition team offers, combined with Brenntag’s logistical and service network provide an ideal fit for our food and flavor ingredients business,» said Amie Byholt, Director of Sales, Borregaard. «The recent opening of the Brenntag Food + Nutrition Application + Development Center further increases Brenntag’s ability to provide full service solutions which incorporate and showcase the unique attributes of our products.»

Borregaard has worked to produce wood vanillin as a food flavoring since 1962. All food-grade products comply with USP/NF,, and FCC, and are registered as non-GMO, Kosher, and Halal approved. At a time when consumers are demanding more bio-based, eco-friendly products, Borregaard is ideally suited to meet that need. For more than 130 years, Borregaard has been manufacturing products from natural raw materials consistent with the company’s philosophy that «Anything that can be made from oil, can be made from wood.»

«Our team is honored to be Borregaard’s exclusive distributor for their Vanillin and Ethyl Vanillin portfolio in the United States and Canada,» said Larry Davis, Vice President Brenntag Food + Nutrition North America. «We believe our customers will greatly benefit from our combined technical expertise and our ability to assist with innovation and product development.»