UK: How much salt does your sandwich contain?

London / UK. (wib) Pre-packed sandwiches may contain the same amount of salt as a Big Mac – or seven packets of crisps, according to new research. A study, carried out by health lobby group Consensus Action on Salt and Health (CASH) on behalf of the BBC, suggests that many sandwiches bought at retail outlets contain more than a third of the day´s recommended salt intake. CASH surveyed 140 sandwiches from nine retailers, a fast food chain, bakery and five coffee shops. Research revealed that 41 percent contained more than two gram of salt, while eight percent contained three gram or more which half the adult daily limit. The Government recommends adults should consume no more than six gram of salt a day. Asda´s Extra Special Yorkshire Ham and Hawes Wensleydale registered the largest amount of salt at 3,9 gram per serving. This was followed by Pret a Manger´s All Day Breakfast sandwich at 3,54 gram and Tesco´s Finest All Day Breakfast with 3,5 gram. The lowest recorded sandwiches were the Co-op´s Healthy Living Tuna and Cucumber and Tesco Healthy Living Chicken Salad which were just 0,6 gram of salt. Carrie Bolt, CASH project assistant, said: «We have calculated that the UK population consumes around 3.000 tonnes of salt each year, just from packaged sandwiches». The British Sandwich Association said salt is in the ingredients used in the sandwich and it was not up to the industry to dictate to consumers what they eat. CASH said the research showed that it is possible for manufacturers to reduce salt content and one of the easiest ways of doing so would be to change the bread …