Bimbo: first compostable bread packaging line in Mexico

Mexico City / MX. (gb) Mexico’s Grupo Bimbo S.A.B. de C.V. announced the launching of the first compostable packaging for bread in the country, one more achievement in innovation for this global Mexican company, placing it at the forefront in packaging, which leaves no environmental footprint. This action is part of a series of initiatives that were presented during the Innovation and Commitment for Responsible Waste Management event.

Daniel Servitje, Chairman and CEO for Grupo Bimbo was present at the meeting, together with Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum, Mayor of Mexico City; Dr. Mario Molina, Nobel Recipient in Chemistry; Ms. Dolores Barrientos, UNEP-OECD Representative for Mexico; and Dr. Anne-Marie Delort, Director of Research for the CNRS, the National Center for Scientific Research at the Chemistry Institute of the University of Clermont- Ferrand, in France.

In this event, the actions undertaken by Grupo Bimbo for the integral and responsible management of waste were presented, as part of the Global Strategy for Environmental Sustainability to nourish a better world. These initiatives are aimed at:

  • Reducing the use of plastic in all company processes.
  • Research and innovation to lessen the use of conventional materials, and to increase use and development of recyclable, biodegradable, and/or compostable materials.
  • Incentives in alliances for linear and circular recycling, thus promoting economic cycles.

Grupo Bimbo has worked on and fostered efforts that have the purpose of combating climate change, through actions aimed at the use of renewable energy sources, energy efficiency, and the elimination of waste production, among others. The commitment of the Company in the field of wastes establishes that by 2025, the totality of its packages will be recyclable, biodegradable, and/or compostable.

The progress made by the Company in waste management, mentioned during their presentation, include:

  1. 100 percent of Grupo Bimbo packaging in Mexico that can incorporate d2w biodegradable technology (pursuant to Standard ASTM 6954-18) is already biodegradable. In other words, if not given proper disposal in recycling and/or sanitary landfill systems, said packaging can achieve total biodegradation with the natural elements of the environment; that is, they break down and serve as food for bacteria present in the environment. This innovation has also been incorporated in other materials, such as the sticks used for Paleta Payaso.
  2. The launching of the first compostable packaging for bread, the most innovative feature for the Company in packaging technology, whose disposal can be the same as organic wastes, and which will be available for the Vital bread line in October of this year.
  3. A reduction in the packaging gauge of up to 25 percent, in addition to the optimization of sizes used, without sacrificing product quality and freshness.
  4. Work in collaboration and synergy with other companies, post-consumption alliances aimed at encouraging recycling.

Daniel Servitje, Chairman and CEO for Grupo Bimbo stated, «This is the first step we have taken as a company, worldwide, in the use of compostable packaging, thanks to innovation. This achievement serves as motivation to continue seeking new solutions that can mitigate the impact of plastic on our environment.» He also said, «I am convinced and committed, both personally and professionally, that it is possible to live in a Mexico, and a world, free of contamination by plastic materials.»

The campaign #SinDejarHuella (Leaving No Footprints) was presented within the framework of the meeting, which purpose is to underscore the shared commitment of companies and society as a whole, in favor of building a better planet. During the meeting, all consumers were invited to join this movement through actions such as recycling, reusing, and reducing.