Rubschlager Baking: converts to 100% whole grain

Chicago / IL. (rb) Rubschlager Baking Corporation announces that it is converting the company´s entire bread product line to a 100 percent Whole Grain formulation. In an effort to deliver wholesome, healthy, and good-for-you products, Rubschlager has reformulated the product line using whole wheat flour and whole rye flour without jeopardizing the original flavor or taste profiles.

All Rubschlager products will now carry the 100 percent Whole Grain stamp and a 100 percent Whole Grain banner has been added to the label highlighting the Whole Grain claim. The 100 percent Whole Grain stamp is allowed on products that contain no refined grain and at least 16 grams of whole grains (one serving of whole grains). Federal Dietary Guidelines urge Americans to eat three servings or more of whole grains daily. Rubschlager breads range from 17 grams to 25 grams, depending on the serving size of the product – said company owner Paul Rubschlager.

The US bread industry is mature, with consumer preferences shifting from «normal» to «healthy» breads. Whole-grain breads are gaining in popularity and have added a new dynamic to the mature US bread industry. Consumer interest in whole grain products and in healthier eating has continued to grow. People are now looking for healthier breads which would be a part of a healthier marketplace. The FDA recently announced that products with greater than 51 percent whole grain by weight and low in fat can carry claims linking them to a lower risk of heart disease and certain cancers.

About: Until October 2009, over 3.000 whole grain foods in 14 countries have been approved to use the Whole Grain Stamp, an eye-catching black and gold symbol created by the Whole Grains Council to help consumers quickly and easily find whole grain products. «We are gratified to see the Whole Grain Stamp established as a trusted standard in the United States, and now spreading beyond the borders to help shoppers in other lands», said Cynthia Harriman, Director of Food + Nutrition Strategies for the Whole Grains Council, on «We have created Portuguese and Spanish versions for Latin America, a French-English version for Canada, and even a Polish version, as interest grows in other countries».