Grupo Bimbo: prepares for coronavirus epidemic

Mexico City / MX. (gb) Given the recent classification of Covid-19 as a global pandemic by the WHO, in Grupo Bimbo S.A.B. de C.V. we reiterate our commitment to implement decisive actions to maintain the availability of our products, which are manufactured every day under the highest standards of quality, safety and hygiene.

To achieve this, we are taking all the necessary measures to ensure the supply chain in our operations, as well as to provide our employees with safe working spaces. This is part of the various business continuity plans that we have put in place.

Among the internal measures that are being implemented are the possibility of remote work, guards or special shifts, the restriction of meetings and the temporary suspension of trips and visits to other companies, events and programs involving crowds, such as Futbolito Bimbo.

We have also implemented protocols to strengthen prevention and hygiene tasks in our different workplaces, including access filters with temperature recording and eventual entrance questionnaires, more frequent cleaning and sanitization of facilities, promotion of frequent hand washing and use of alcohol gel, minimum distance between people, specific processes when symptoms are detected, restriction of the use of common areas such as gyms or elevators, limited use of dining rooms and utensils, among others.

All these measures are in line with the authorities’ provisions.

In addition, we are promoting awareness campaigns through safety capsules in workplaces and electronic media such as e-mail and applications on mobile devices, an intranet microsite and communication materials in facilities.

«In Grupo Bimbo we have a firm commitment to always accompany the communities in which we are present. Today, we are going through a difficult situation for all of us and we want to give certainty to each of the Mexican families that are at home fulfilling the social distance, that they count on us. Together we will manage to move forward as we have demonstrated in the past,» said Javier González Franco, Deputy General Director of Grupo Bimbo.

He added that «I want to express a special and deep recognition to our collaborators and clients who are working with a lot of dedication and devotion so that we can fulfill this commitment we have with Mexico and its people».

Since our foundation almost 75 years ago, we put the person at the center of everything we do; we have a strict protocol of prevention, health and safety in our operations, always putting the well-being of our employees and the communities we are part of first.