Market research: Global Food and Drink Trends 2030

Chicago / IL. (mi) Given the rapid pace of change as we enter a new decade, Mintel’s «2030 Global Food and Drink Trends» carefully consider the likely shifts in consumer needs, product innovation, corporate actions, and society over the next 10 years, offering optimistic, yet pragmatic actions intended to help businesses adapt to the transformations ahead.

Regardless of current events, consumers today, and in 2030, will require food, drink, and foodservice experiences to deliver on satisfying taste and affordable prices. But what else will drive purchase decisions? Download and find out:

  • What’s happening now and what’s next that will drive market changes like never before?
  • How the wellbeing of the planet, hyper-individualised physical and mental health, and trust in food science and technology will determine winners and losers over the next decade.
  • Future opportunities for manufacturers, companies, and brands to better understand what consumers want and why.

You know your market today; we know where it’s headed tomorrow and 10 years from now. How will you stay ahead of the shifting consumer landscape and your competitor’s strategy? Highlights:

  • Change, Incorporated: Successful companies will be those that improve the health of the planet and its population.
  • Smart Diet: Technology will enable consumers to construct hyper-individualised approaches to physical and mental health.
  • High-tech Harvests: Consumer trust in food science and technology will strengthen, as these become vital tools to save our food supply.