Far East: bread history in faces and documents

Vladivostok / RU. (vt) A museum of bread history opened in Primorsky region of Russia in September. As the Vladivostok-based Vladhleb Group reports, Arsenyev Museum with support of the bakery OJSC Vladhleb opened the museum of bread history – the first and the only one in the Far East. Baking of bread in Vladivostok is over a century old and the museum expositions show it.

One can learn from them how baking of bread in Vladivostok started, what development speed it had in different economic periods of the country. Order books and regulating documents collected by workers of Arsenyev Museum and Vladivostok residents who are interested in keeping memory about over-a-century long history of bread, items of production and life of bakery and confectionary workers. Where the Vladivostok residents´ favourite bread «Podolsky» came from, which bread sorts are the best, how bread production started, what equipment and technologies were like, what technology is like now – answers to these and many other questions people find in the new museum of bread history.

Vladhleb Group of companies is the biggest producer of bread, cakes, pastry, puff frozen prepared products, ring-shaped cracknels, spice-cakes and many other bakery and confectionery in Vladivostok and Primorsky region. The company manufactured various products meeting all consumer demands for 100 years.