Russia: to prolong export ban for grains till 2011

Moscow / RU. (ami) The Government of the Russian Federation will possibly examine the issue of cancellation of the export ban of grains from Russia after the end of the harvesting campaign in 2011, declared Vladimir Putin, the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, on September 02. In order to provide the stability and predictability of the conditions of economic operations for all market participants, the Prime Minister considered it necessary to mark that the Government will examine the issue of the export ban cancellation after the end of the harvesting works of the future year only, and supply and demand balances become completely clear, added Putin. The Head of the Government warned that those companies, which restrain grain volumes and expect for the nearest cancellation of grain export ban, should not wait that the Government will change own position. Grain sellers should continue working basing on the objective conditions, and market demands, advised Putin. He reminded that the decision about the temporary export ban for grains from Russia till January 01, 2011, was adopted in order to protect Russian consumers first of all (source: