Delivery Hero: How Q2-2020 order numbers increased

Berlin / DE. (dhh) Delivery Hero Holding S.E., the world’s leading local delivery platform, responds to strong market interest and releases a Flash Update on recent growth amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, covering preliminary Q2-2020 financials for orders and Gross Merchandise Value (GMV).

Key performance indicators 2020

Order numbers for the Group in the second quarter of 2020 increased by 94 percent compared to the same quarter 2019. The increase in GMV stood at 64 percent compared Q2 prior year. For both metrics, growth in Q2 2020 was up sequentially to Q1 2020.


7-Days-rolling average order trends

After an initial decline from Covid-19 lock-downs, growth has stabilized and is up 23 percent compared to March 11 (when Covid-19 was declared a global pandemic). Most markets are no longer subject to curfews with exceptions of some markets, i.e. evening curfew in Kuwait and after midnight in Jordan.


Expected timing unchanged for woowa partnership

Approval of the strategic partnership with Woowa is continued to be expected in H2 2020.

About Delivery Hero

Delivery Hero is the world’s leading local delivery platform. The company holds a strong position in 36 out of 42 countries in which it operates across Europe, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, the Middle East and North Africa in terms of restaurants, active users, orders, online and mobile platforms. Delivery Hero also operates its own delivery service primarily in over 530 cities around the globe. Headquartered in Berlin, Germany, the Company has more than 25,000 employees.