Business for Peace: award for Roberto Sendra

Oslo / NO. (bpf) The Business for Peace Foundation was founded in 2007 in the belief that socially responsible and ethical initiatives are not merely window dressing, but will stand the test as a business case and gradually, as the moral culture of corporations matures, constitute an integral part of modern business. Supporting partners of the Business for Peace Foundation, headquartered in Oslo, are the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), the City of Oslo, the Oslo Chamber of Commerce and the initiators of the Oslo World Trade Centre. Some days ago the Foundation announced the seven honourees for the 2010 Oslo Business for Peace Awards: Ratan Tata (India), Stef Wertheimer (Israel), Francis Yeoh (Malaysia), Venkatramani Srivathsan (Nigeria), Emily Cummins (UK), William Rosenzweig (USA) and Roberto Servitje Sendra (Mexico). Roberto Sendra is chair of Grupo Bimbo, a multinational baking enterprise. Early in its rise, he stated that the group’s goal was to be «altamente productiva y plenamente humana» – highly productive and truly humane. Grupo Bimbo has a significant social responsibility programme, which is tightly related to health, the environment, society (poverty and food distribution) and the well-being of its workers. In terms of health, the group has been making serious efforts to promote exercise as a way of life. On the environmental front, it has set a leading example through its efforts to recycle and to reduce water consumption while supporting a major reforestation campaign in Mexico.

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