Baker’s Dozen: Asda offers special dining experience

Leeds / UK. (asda) From its research, British supermarket chain Asda found out that over half (52 percent) the nation say they cannot resist the temptation of tucking into bread before a meal. So the chain is bringing its «Baker’s Dozen» pop-up restaurant, serving a gourmet 13-course all-bread menu, to London for one night only. Asda is also drawing attention to its brand new major bakery relaunch.


On the evening of Wednesday 19th October in London’s Aldgate, the two-and-a-half-hour all-bread dining experience will be expertly prepared and plated with fine dining finesse by Asda’s executive chef, Senior Director of Innovation and Trends, Jonathan Moore and his team. Dishes served in the all-bread 13-course tasting menu include a slice of dark spelt and rye sourdough with chicken fat whipped butter (a fine-dining twist on bread and butter), toast three ways and – last but not yeast – heavenly brown bread ice cream.

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Asda’s resident «Doughmellier» will be on-hand to reveal the tasting notes, provenance, and pairing qualities of each bread course, and offer Extra Special wine selections for each dish.

The restaurant is the chain’s way of celebrating its huge bakery relaunch, with the introduction of over 200 new and improved lines, vibrant redesigned packaging for its mid-tier products, and snazzy new POS. Asda is proud to now be using traditional methods to ensure the range is fresher, tastier, and more varied than ever before, with Extra Special breads, pastries, donuts, cream cakes, hot plate pancakes, and celebration cakes, all developed with the utmost craft and love by its specialist bakers and suppliers. Highlights of the range include the new Extra Special Sourdough, made from a 10-year-old starter alongside the finest ingredients, Triple Chocolate and Jaffa Orange Donuts, and a new range of Extra Special Viennoisserie.

Other stats from Asda’s recent survey:

  • 43 percent of all asked Brits admit they’ve been unable to finish a restaurant meal after overindulging on pre-meal bread.
  • 68 percent of 25-34-year-old Brits say they’re guilty of leaving nothing but breadcrumbs behind before they’ve even ordered their starters.
  • 85 percent of the nation said they eat bread every day at home.
  • The West Midlands topped the list as the most bread-obsessed place in the UK, with 22 percent saying they eat 4-5 slices of bread a day (Photo and graphics: Asda).