ICA Gruppen: CFO to leave by summer 2023

Stockholm / SE. (ica) Sven Lindskog, CFO of Sweden’s ICA Gruppen AB since 2014, has decided to leave his role by summer 2023. «Next summer I turn 60 and will then have spent nine gratifying and exciting years with ICA. It is a long time as a CFO, and I feel it will be a good point in time to hand over the responsibility to a new person. Until then, following the buyout from the stock exchange we will have taken great steps in ICA Gruppen’s long-term financing, and I feel it is the right time for a new person to take over. I will miss all of my great colleagues throughout ICA, but at the same time I also have other major interests to pursue in life, which I will now have the opportunity to spend more time on. I do not intend to take on any new work in the business field,» comments Lindskog, departing CFO of ICA Gruppen.

Lindskog will stay on in his role until next summer to ensure a smooth transition in connection with recruitment of his successor. «Sven has been a key member of ICA Gruppen’s executive management for nearly a decade and has played a major role in ICA Gruppen’s strong development during his tenure. He has contributed to increased professionalism of ICA Gruppen’s business management and has been a highly appreciated leader,» comments Per Strömberg, VD ICA Gruppen. Recruitment of Sven Lindskog’s successor has begun.