Fodelia Group: 9M-2022 Financial Report

Pyhäntä / FI. (foy) Finland’s Fodelia Oyj Group announced its financial report for the period 01 January to 30 September (9M-2022). Business growth continued to be strong, especially in Feelia’s foodservice business. The result for the review period was weakened by increases in the manufacturing costs of products. However, the market outlook is positive and growth opportunities are good, especially in Feelia’s care sector and school meal services portfolio.

Summary for January-September 2022

  • Net sales for the period under review increased by 21.8 percent and amounted to EUR 30,355 thousand (1-9/2021: EUR 24,915 thousand).
  • Ebitda for the period was EUR 1,869 thousand (1,834 thousand), representing 6.2 percent of net sales (7.4 percent).
  • EbitA for the period was EUR 855 thousand (1,214) representing 2.8 percent of net sales (4.6 percent)
  • Ebit for the period was EUR 605 thousand (974 thousand), representing 2.0 percent of net sales (3.9 percent).

Summary for July-September 2022

  • Net sales for the period grew by 24.3 percent, amounting to EUR 10,923 thousand (8,791 thousand).
  • Ebitda for the period was EUR 593 thousand (976 thousand), representing 5.4 percent of net sales (11.1 percent).
  • EbitA for the period was EUR 240 thousand (897), representing 2.2 percent of net sales (10.2 percent)
  • Ebit for the period was EUR 150 thousand (817 thousand), representing 1.4 percent of net sales (9.3 percent).

Outlook for 2022 (Updated 31 of October 2022)

The company management estimates the Group’s net sales in 2022 are approximately EUR 40-43 million. Ebit margin is expected to be at the same level than previous year or little below that. The effects of the war in Ukraine on the price and availability of materials and prices in general, as well as possible new restrictions in response to the pandemic, have caused a degree of uncertainty in the outlook. For additional information please read the Company’s PDF file below (315 KB):
