JE Transferred to LSE Standard Listing

Amsterdam / NL. (tkwy) Just Eat N.V., hereafter the «Company» or together with its subsidiaries «Just Eat», in December announced that the transfer of its Listing on the London Stock Exchange (LSE) from «Premium Listing (commercial company)» to «Standard Listing (shares)» took effect on December 19. As previously announced, the Company completed the review of its listing venues in October 2022. This announcement follows the extraordinary general meeting of the Company held on 18 November 2022 at which the transfer of listing of the Company’s shares from the category of a «Premium Listing (commercial company)» on the Official List of the Financial Conduct Authority to the category of a «Standard Listing (shares)» on the Official List was approved by the shareholders. The Company’s ordinary shares remain listed on Euronext Amsterdam and on the LSE.