Fodelia Group: Business Review Q1-2023

Pyhäntä / FI. (foy) Finland’s Fodelia Oyj Group announced its unaudited results for the period 01 January to 31 March (Q1-2023). Summary: Net sales for the period under review increased by 28.8 percent and amounted to EUR 11,732 thousand (1-3/2022: EUR 9,112 thousand). Ebitda for the period was EUR 922 thousand (511 thousand) or 7.9 percent of net sales (5.6 percent). Profit for the period was EUR 573 thousand (185 thousand) or 4.9 percent of net sales (2.0 percent). Ebit for the period was EUR 463 thousand (105 thousand) or 3.9 percent of net sales (1.2 percent). CEO Mikko Tahkola: «Fodelia Group’s first half of the year has got off to a promising start. Net sales have continued to grow well, and profitability has seen a positive turnaround. In Q1, net sales grew by 29 percent compared to the corresponding period in the previous year. Development has been especially strong in Feelia’s business. Marjavasu, which joined the Group in autu million 2022, has also contributed to the growth in net sales and improved profitability.»

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