Fazer Leipurit: introduces new «Saaristolaisleipä»

Helsinki / FI. (fg) Fazer Finland starts to bake new Fazer Leipurit «Saaristolaisleipä», Finnish Archipelago Bread, in its shop-in-shop bakeries immediately. Wheat and rye used in the bread are grown by Fazer’s contract farmers, who take part in Fazer’s Grain vision programme and grow grains sustainably, according to the programme’s principles. The Fazer shop-in-shop bakeries always use Finnish flour in baking («Archipelago» possibly means «Schärengarten» – so «Saaristolaisleipä» possibly means «Archipel-Leib», «Insel-Brot» or «Schärengarten-Brot» – whereby the latter sounds quite promising to German ears).

«The new Fazer Leipurit «Saaristolaisleipä» is an ode to Finnish rye, wheat and malt – and especially an ode to farmers. We know the grain’s exact origin as we have separated the grains from these specific farms in the grinding process. Normally grains from various farms are mixed in silos, which gives the grain uniform quality,» says Tero Hirvi, Director, Grain Logistics and Purchasing at Fazer Mills.

The bond between the Finnish national feeling and Finnish bread is particularly strong; 88 percent of the Finns say they highly value farmers’ work, and 81 percent say that Finnish bread should consist of domestic ingredients (Source: Rednote, Suuri Leipätutkimus 2023). By introducing the «Saaristolaisleipä», Fazer wants to highlight the valuable work of the contract farmers and their daily contribution to sustainable farming.

The wheat used in the Fazer Leipurit «Saaristolaisleipä» is grown in Jussi Joutsiniemi‘s farm in Kangasala, rye in Kari Mutkala‘s farm in Koski TL and malt rye in Matti Keltto‘s farm in Lapua. The wheat and rye are grown according to the principles of the Fazer Grain vision programme that aims at developing cultivation methods more environmentally friendly.

«As Fazer’s contract farmer I have access to many important tools that help in farming as sustainably as possible and bringing the Grain vision alive with daily choices,» Jussi Joutsiniemi says.

«Saaristolaisleipä» is baked in every Fazer shop-in-shop bakery by hand from the scratch. Stickers on the bread package provide information on the farmers and their farms. In addition, by scanning the QR code on the packaging, one can find more facts about the Fazer Grain vision programme.

«Fazer has worked closely with farmers already for five decades. Our common goal is to ensure that there will be enough pure and high-quality domestic grain in the future, too. The Grain vision requires long-term cooperation,» Tero Hirvi continues.

The Fazer Leipurit «Saaristolaisleipä» was created in Fazer Bakery’s internal innovation challenge. The bread will be available in all 132 Fazer shop-in-shop bakeries in Finland immediately.

Towards more sustainable farming – together with the farmers

Fazer works together with Finnish farmers to make farming practices more sustainable: Fazer’s Grain vision sows the future’s harvest. Fazer aims to decrease CO2 emissions, ensures Finnish food production, and preserves biodiversity. The goal is to reduce eutrophication and minimise the use of pesticides and store the carbon to soil: The target of carbon farming is to store carbon to soil, which improves the quality of the soil and preserves its biodiversity. Fazer Leipurit’s goal is that by 2025 all grain used in Fazer’s consumer products in Finland and in Sweden is grown according to Fazer’s principles of sustainable farming.

Fazer Leipurit

Fazer Finland’s shop-in-shop bakeries offer artisan bread that is baked on the spot, using Finnish flour ground at Fazer’s Mill. The shop-in-shop bakeries are easily identified by the name Fazer Leipurit. They are separate bakeries located inside stores. Fazer has more than 132 shop-in-shop bakeries throughout Finland that employ around 700 artisan bakers (…and for everyone, who does not speak Finnish: «Leipurit» means «Bakery»).

Fazer Group

Fazer Group, The Food Experience Company, enables people to enjoy the best moments of their day. Our mission, Food with a purpose, builds on our strong 130-year heritage, consumer first approach and innovations to create the sustainable food solutions of the future. With our dedicated team of approximately 5,000 professionals, we focus on fast-moving consumer goods and our direct-to-consumer business in Northern Europe, and beyond with exports to some 40 different countries. Fazer’s operations comply with its Code of Conduct that is based on the Group’s values and the UN Global Compact. In 2022, Fazer Group had net sales of 1.100 million euros. Northern Magic. Made Real (Photo: Fazer Leipurit).