Norway: 1900 honey pots from Citycon’s centre roofs

Oslo / NO. (lg) Over the summer, 450,000 bees have produced over 270 kilos of honey on the roofs of the Citycon Norway centres Liertoppen, Storbyen, Kilden and Stopp Tune. The bees on the centre roofs are part of the real estate developer’s sustainability strategy, and as a gift to the local community, the centres are distributing a total of 1900 honey jars to tenants and customers.

The bees on Citycon’s Norwegian centre roofs are a source of knowledge and engagement for the local population, while also contributing to the local ecosystems. Together with certified beekeeper Alexander Du Rietz, the real estate developer has placed beehives on the roofs of four centres in recent years. The hives contain a total of approximately 450,000 bees. This year, the bees produced over 270 kilos of honey, which was harvested and distributed to a total of 1,900 honey pots.

«It’s fantastic that we now have 1900 honey jars with the centres’ own labels. The honey tastes fantastic. Each centre has its own distinctive local flora, from which the bees collect nectar and pollen during pollination in the spring and summer. It is this flora that ultimately determines how the honey tastes at each centre,» says Du Rietz.


Alexander Du Rietz specialises in urban beekeeping and wants to promote sustainable and responsible development by placing beehives on centre roofs in Norway.

«The work that bees do is vital for humans and animals. Bees contribute to a third of the world’s food production. We are therefore very pleased to be able to work with Citycon to place beehives on the roofs of shopping centres. Now that we have finished the harvest, we will make sure that the bees have what they need in the hives throughout the winter, so that they are ready for a new season of pollination and honey production from spring onwards,» added Du Rietz.

The company’s goal is to become climate neutral by 2030, which involves systematic efforts to cut emissions, save energy and ensure that the properties comply with the requirements of the BREEAM environmental certification system. For the third year in a row, Citycon was recognised as one of Europe’s climate leaders in 2023 by the Financial Times and Statista. The initiative with bees on the centre roofs is part of the real estate developer’s sustainability strategy to contribute positively to the local ecosystems.

«It’s great to see that we have produced so much honey for the benefit of tenants and customers. Bees on the centre roofs is an exciting project that teaches both us and the local community about the importance of bees for the environment and for food production. The project is a fantastic way to create engagement,» says Citycon Director of Property Management Håkon Tuv Dalland.


Citycon Corporation owns demand-based centres and develops modern city centres in the Nordic region. The EUR 4.2 billion centre portfolio is linked to public transport in the major cities of Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Estonia. The real estate developer transforms unique locations into sustainable communities and creates cities full of life. The company serves millions of people every year through retail, grocery, healthcare, municipal services and office and housing services (Photos: Citycon – Jørgen Nordby).