Danisco: launches new range of unique sweeteners

Copenhagen / DK. (das) Danisco A/S is launching Dulcaden(TM) in Brazil, a new range of unique sweeteners blends designed to replace sugar in bakery applications without compromising on quality or taste. Developing healthier, reduced or no added sugar, reduced calorie and fibre enriched baked goods is complicated because of the need to use a number of complex sugar reducing ingredients.

Now sugar can simply be substituted by one of Danisco´s Dulcaden(TM) products, through a very easy and fast reformulation, thus saving the costs and time usually associated with any new development. It is planned to roll out Dulcaden(TM) into other countries worldwide. Dulcaden(TM) Biscuit, a blend of lactitol, Litesse® (polydextrose) and intense sweeteners, is the first product to be launched in the range and is tailored for biscuit applications.

Dulcaden(TM) is part of Danisco´s continuing product development with lactitol. Danisco continues to be committed to the manufacturing and marketing of lactitol. Lactitol is especially suited for ice cream, chocolate and bakery applications due to its pleasant creamy flavour. Lactitol is used in sugar free, no added sugar, reduced sugar and low calorie products.