Soufflet: to acquire majority share in Neuhauser

Nogent sur Seine / FR. (sg) French Neuhauser Group has grown strongly in recent years, through both organic growth and acquisitions. The impetus has enabled it in a very buoyant market to pull itself up to the top rank in Europe in the Bakery, Morning Goods and Confectionery industry, with 18 manufacturing sites in France and Portugal, plus two fast food chains consisting of two hundred and fifty outlets in France and Germany. In order to ensure the continuity of its business and the future of all its staff, Alfred Neuhauser has decided to pass his Group to the Soufflet family, already a shareholder since 2011. The European Competition Authority, to which the merger was referred, gave its consent on 27 May, opening up the way to the imminent conclusion of the plan, in which the Soufflet family will have a majority holding in the Neuhauser Group. The upcoming merger should allow Neuhauser Group to benefit from Soufflet Group´s support to consolidate its position and pursue its development. Soufflet Group is a French agro-industrial group, specialising in the worldwide collection, trading, and transformation of cereals. With 42 factories in Europe, Asia and America, the Group is a key player on the world malt market and one of the leading European millers. Also operating on the world´s cereal markets through its subsidiary, Soufflet employs more than 4’000 staff in 17 countries.

Commission clears acquisition of Neuhauser by Soufflet

Bruxelles / BE. (gov) The European Commission has approved under the EU Merger Regulation the acquisition of the French industrial baker, Neuhauser group, by the French agro-industrial group Soufflet. The Commission concluded that the proposed acquisition would not raise competition concerns because of the limited overlaps between the merging parties´ activities. The transaction was examined under the simplified merger review procedure. More information is available on the Commission´s competition website, in the public case register under the case number M.7210 (Source: MEx 14/28.05).