Hiestand + IAWS: Antitrust authorities approve merger

Lupfig / CH. (hag) The antitrust authorities of Poland, Germany and Ireland have approved the planned merger of the Swiss Hiestand Holding AG with the Irish IAWS Group PLC under the umbrella of Aryzta AG. This means that all responsible antitrust authorities have now approved the merger of Hiestand and IAWS. The extraordinary general meeting of Hiestand, which must also approve the merger, will take place on 19 August 2008. Based on the approval of the merger by the antitrust authorities, the acquisition by IAWS, announced on 09 June 2008, of the 32 percent share of Hiestand which has been held until now by the British Lion Capital has been formally concluded. IAWS thus holds a participation of 64 percent of Hiestand.