Agreement: Russia wins support for G8 grain summit

Toyako / JP. (wib) The leaders of the G8 countries have agreed to form specialized funds that could help solve the current food crisis, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev told journalists in Japanese Toyako, where the meeting of the Group of Eight took place. He pointed out that Russia had suggested that talks between the agriculture ministers of the G8 countries should be organized, and that a special session, the so-called «grain summit», should be held to discuss the reasons and consequences of a rise or stabilization in grain prices for the food market. Medvedev also noted that the leaders of the G8 countries had already agreed to take multi-lateral steps in order to influence the food crisis and gradually start using second generation biofuel. To tackle the food problem at home Russia´s agriculture ministry plans to create a state-owned grain trader, which is also expected to become Russia´s largest grain exporter.