AIBI: announces new elected President

Brussels / EU. (aibi) The new elected President of the International Association of Plant Bakers (AIBI) is Jean-Manuel Leveque (France). He is also Vice-President of the French large bakery association FEB. He succeeds to George Mavromaras (Greece) who served AIBI for the last two years as its President. AIBI´s General Assembly elected at its 34th Congress in Athens a new AIBI Board including two Vice-Presidents: Joseph Street (United Kingdom) and Janez Bojc (Slovenia). Treasurer stays Armin Juncker (Germany). Jean Manuel Leveque presented the AIBI Road Map 2015 to 2017 for the next two years with ambitious actions on bread promotion actions, research activities like FLOUR-plus, further AIBI membership development and deepened bakery communication. The «buzzwords» stays continuity, responsibility, openness and communication. AIBI has achieved a lot in the last years with increased visibility on the way to become an interactive and constructive organisation with both entrepreneurial and technical character. AIBI has successfully shifted focus on political and strategically important bread and market issues, which includes the country of origin package, acrylamide and nutrient profiles issue including salt reduction strategies.