Anuga: Growth in exports for the German food industry

Cologne / DE. (km) The German food industry has been posting growth for many years now – particularly abroad, where growth rates are above average. Foreign trade currently accounts for 23 percent of the sector´s turnover, which is why more and more German companies are offering food and beverages in other countries as well.

Against this background, Germany´s food industry will once again be presented as a key partner of the international food trade at the forthcoming Anuga in Cologne, 13th to 17th October. Of the 6.000-plus exhibiting companies at Anuga, more than 1.000 come from Germany – and they will be showcasing a wealth of products, marketing concepts and innovations.

To support the activities of the German food industry, the Federal Association of the German Food Industry (BVE), the German Agricultural Marketing Board (CMA) and the Federal Ministry for Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection (BMELV) are for the first time inviting German exporters to meet buyers and other decision-makers from the international food trade at an event called «German Traders´ Night – Meet the German Food Exporters» – taking place on 13th October.
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