Boromir: forecasts 25 percent higher turnover

Valcea / RO. (zf) Boromir Ind. SRL, one of the leading producers in the Romanian milling and bakery industry, forecasts for its fiscal year 2008 an over 25 percent higher turnover than last year – approximately 600 million RON (more than 166 million EUR), according to Ziarul Financiar. «The growth rate of the turnover in the last five months of 2008 will stand at 15 percent compared with the same time in 2007. The annual average in 2008 will be approximately 25 percent compared with 2007», stated Constantin Boromiz, general manager and shareholder of the Boromir group. Boromir posted 100,7 million EUR turnover in the first seven months of this year, an increase of 42 percent against the same period 2007.