CIS: increased agricultural products output

Kiev / UA. (ami) In the first half year of 2009, the average growth of production volumes of agricultural industry in the countries of the Commonwealth of Independent States totaled two percent compared to the same period of the previous year (in the first half year of 2008 four percent), declared the Statistical Committee of the CIS. In the first half year of 2009, Tajikistan showed the highest production volumes of agricultural industry compared to the first half year of 2008 (114.8 percent); Armenia showed the least index (97,5 percent). The index of agricultural products output volumes in Russia totaled 100,9 percent; in Ukraine 102,6 percent; in Kazakhstan 102,7 percent. In the reporting period Belarus increased agricultural products output by 6,6 percent; Moldova by 2,6 percent; Kyrgyzstan by 2,2 percent; Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan by 4,6 percent and 2,5 percent respectively (source: