Cloetta AB: chairman declines re-election

Stockholm / SE. (cab) Swedish Cloetta AB, a leading confectionery company in the Nordic region and the Netherlands, announces that its chairman declines re-election as the chairman of the board. Mikael Norman remains chairman of the board until the annual general meeting on April 09, 2024.

«I have informed the nomination committee that I intend to leave the board in connection with the next annual general meeting, as I have made the decision to cut back on my external assignments. My successor will have the opportunity to continue driving the company’s long-term growth strategy, and I look forward to following Cloetta’s development as a shareholder,» the Swedes cite Norman in a company release.

Lars Schedin, chairman of the nomination committee. «Mikael Norman was a board member in Cloetta in the years 2015 to 2019 and has subsequently been chairman of the board in Cloetta since the 2020 annual general meeting. He has been a highly valued chairman who has done an excellent job in the boardroom. Mikael will continue as chairman until the annual general meeting, but I want to take this opportunity to thank him for his involvement in Cloetta during these years.»