Communication: BfR about «risk» and «hazard»

Berlin / DE. (bfr) Does it matter whether a substance constitutes a risk or a hazard? For the scientists who assess risks in the field of consumer health protection, this distinction is very important. By contrast, for the social stakeholders who use these assessments, it is of no relevance whatsoever. This is one of the results of two studies by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment (BfR) in Germany. The project «Evaluation of communication on the differences between ‘risk’ and ‘hazard’» examined BfR risk communication from the angle of how experts and lay persons use these terms in practice. In the project «Communication of risk and hazard» experts from industry, environmental associations, consumers associations and public authorities were asked about their use of these terms. The results of these two studies are now available. «The study results give us important findings for risk communication», says BfR President Andreas Hensel. «Risk communication must be tailored more towards the target groups also when it comes to the language used».