Consistent growth promises successful trade show

Nuremberg / DE. (nm) From 17 to 19 September 2015, the Baltimore Convention and Exhibition Center will once again become the meeting place for the international organic products sector. Then, «BioFach America – All Things Organic», will be opening its doors. At the organic products trade show held parallel to the «Natural Products Expo East», companies from all over the world will be presenting organic raw materials and products from the food and non-food sector. Over 1’200 companies are expected, around 150 of them specializing exclusively in organic products along with over 22’000 visitors. In terms of internationality too, «BioFach America – All Things Organic» has a great deal to offer. For the first time, visitors can expect a Polish pavilion, while Argentina is represented with a pavilion once again. Applications from the Netherlands, Italy, France, Türkiye as well as Great Britain have also been received. This healthy trend is a result of the positive performance by the American organic products market. According to the annual study conducted by the OTA Organic Trade Association, sales of organic foodstuffs in 2014 reached around 39 billion US Dollar. That is eleven percent more than in 2013. Already held the day before the event, workshops and the communicative Harvest Festival will get people in the mood for the three-day show.

Adam Andersen, Natural Products Group Show Director: «We are delighted to present the whole range of natural, ecological and healthy products once again in the fall. In my opinion, the unique mood at «BioFach America – All Things Organic» is strongly linked to the direct environment and surroundings of the event: Baltimore is not only a city with a rich culture and history. The inhabitants are also very hospitable and open-minded. Every year they look forward to the trade visitors from all over the world and put in a lot of effort to make the event an unforgettable experience for everyone».

Potential: US organic products market growing and growing

For years now we have been very pleased with the developments on the American organic products market. According to the Organic Industry Survey conducted by the OTA Organic Trade Association, in 2014 Americans spent 39.1 billion US Dollars on organic food. That is a growth rate of 11.3 percent compared to 2013. At 14 percent, the largest increase in sales in the last six years was recorded by biological non-food products, such as eco-textiles, bio-degradable packaging and natural cosmetics. Here, the increase in organic sales is independent of income and size of household. 90 percent of all the Southern and West-American households surveyed purchase organic products at least from time to time. With sales of 13 billion US Dollar, in particular organic fruit and vegetables are very popular with the consumers. According to the OTA study, just as recently as 1997, organic products were regarded as niche articles. Today, eco products account for five percent of the USA´s food market worth a total of around 780 billion US Dollar. Katharina Neumann, Project Coordinator at «BioFach America – All Things Organic»: «The OTA study once again confirms Americans´ increasing need for high-quality foodstuffs. Not only Argentina has returned with a pavilion. This market trend is a giant opportunity, particularly for European organic products companies seeking to establish themselves in the USA. I am therefore particularly delighted at the first-time participation by Polish exhibitors. «BioFach America – All Things Organic» is the ideal platform for the international organic exchange».

New in 2015: the Super Pass for visitors

For the first time, trade show visitors will have the opportunity to take advantage of everything on offer during the «Natural Products Expo East» and «BioFach America – All Things Organic» with just one ticket. Included in the Super Pass is not only admission to the hall, but also access to the entire conference program and the evening events. If visitors are interested in the individual conference presentations, they have the opportunity to upgrade the standard admission ticket.

Natural Products Expo East Education 2015: a top-ranking event as always

This year the supporting conference program will be covering the following theme sections: Natural in the Media, Ingredient Reform, the «Future of» Series, Non-GMO, Trends and Growth and Natural Economics. There is eager anticipation, among others, of the keynotes from best-seller author and system critic Dylan Ratigan and from agriculturalist and author Joel Salatin, who with his unmistakably humorous style, is actively supporting small farms and a regional food-supply system. The keynote from Michele Simon, by trade a lawyer in food law, will in turn pick up the theme of food marking and policy.

Already on the day before the fair opens, 16 September 2015, this will be complemented by diverse tours. One highlight is the Farm-to-Store Tour, in which the participants visit farms, processing companies and stores marketing regional products.

Celebrating and networking: Expo East Events ensure a top mood

Before and after the event closes, the Natural Products Expo East and «BioFach America – All Things Organic» show duo will once again impress this year with their networking events. In addition to the tried-and-tested tabletop-event Harvest Festival on 16 September, exhibitors and visitors can expect among others the «Women in Naturals» Get-Together, in which women entrepreneurs from the sector get networked with each other and enter into an exchange on their success stories. Visitors should definitely not miss the free Boulder Brands Breakfast on the show Friday, in which many vegan and gluten-free breakfast alternatives can be sampled. In this context, «BioFach America – All Things Organic» 2015 is not only the ideal retail and networking platform, but also has a colourful supporting program to offer.