Domino’s UK: Home diners boost takeaway profit

Milton Keynes / UK. (dp) Domino´s Pizza UK and IRL PLC announces system sales for the 52 weeks ended 28 December 2008 increased by 18,4 percent (2007: 23,4 percent) to 350,8 million GBP (2007: 296,3 million GBP), with like for like sales for the same 52 week period up by 10,0 percent (2007: 14,7 percent). Like for like sales grew by 8,6 percent for the 13 weeks to 28 December 2008 (2007: 14,8 percent).

Domino´s is particularly delighted to have exceeded its target of opening 50 stores in the year, with a total of 52 new stores joining the system (2007: 50), creating around 1’500 new jobs. No stores were closed (2007: nil), taking the total number of stores at year end to 553 (2007: 501).

E-commerce continues to be a major platform for building business. Total e-commerce sales for the 52 week period to 28 December 2008 were up by 73,7 percent (2007: 60,5 percent) and reached 55,9 million GBP (2007: 32,2 million GBP) – supported by some record weekends where on-line sales were in excess of one million GBP. Total e-commerce sales in the UK and Ireland for the 13 week period to 28 December 2008 rose by 56,2 percent (2007: 89,5 percent).

Chief Executive Chris Moore: «We are delighted with the year´s performance – especially as we were up against some incredibly tough comparables from 2007. Our commitment to e-commerce, sponsorship of Britain´s Got Talent, and our single-minded focus on providing our customers with the best pizza delivery service in the UK and Ireland, has again resulted in significant growth for our franchisees and shareholders.

Despite the challenging economic environment, our franchisees´ appetite for growth continues, as does our belief that the Domino´s recipe – to deliver great quality pizza with unbeatable service, supported by extensive and highly targeted marketing – is right for these times.

We continue to strive towards our goal of at least 1’000 stores in the UK and Ireland and have every confidence in our franchisees and management team to achieve further success.

The Board is confident that the Company will deliver full year 2008 profits ahead of current City expectations and we will update the market further in February with the publication of the Company´s preliminary results for the 52 weeks ended 28 December 2008».