EuroCommerce: welcomes RFID recommendation, but …

Brussels / BE. (ec) EuroCommerce agrees in principle with the European Commission´s Recommendation on data protection for RFID. The Commission published a Recommendation on privacy and data protection in applications using radio-frequency identification (RFID). EuroCommerce accepts the text as a working compromise between data protection requirements and traders’ interests. However, we must point out that clear remaining deficiencies will necessarily restrict the benefits retailers can expect from this technology. In particular, EuroCommerce believes that the requirement to obtain consumer consent to keep tags operational will create additional burdens for retailers and hamper the sector´s competitiveness. On the other hand, EuroCommerce welcomes the fact that shops which only sell products with RFID tags included, without actively using them, will not be affected. EuroCommerce Secretary General Xavier Durieu: «We fully support the protection of consumers´ privacy but the Commission text simply does not take into account the practical consequences. On the contrary, by adding constraints on operators, such as data protection impact assessments, it will reduce the attractiveness of the new technology for them. This will inevitably be reflected in the costs. If RFID is to develop its full potential, and to contribute to European competitiveness, it must be made easy, cheap and attractive, both to develop and to use».