Fedima: celebrates 50. anniversary, welcomes new member

Bruxelles / BE. (fedima) On Friday 27 September 2019, Fedima held its 50th Annual Meeting in Milan, the location where the federation was founded in 1969 by visionary business leaders of the bakery and pastry ingredients suppliers. Fedima was, is and remains committed to being the European bakery ingredient platform to support and grow the bread and pastry market while shaping a favorable environment to ensure a sustainable and an innovative bakery industry.

Already 50 years have passed since Fedima was established to represent the interests of the European Manufacturers and Suppliers of Ingredients to the Bakery, Confectionery and Patisserie Industries. Following its creation, Fedima rapidly grew from 5 founding members to the current 12 national bakery ingredients associations across Europe, representing over 20.000 direct employments and reaching approximately 500’000 points of sales in Europe.

At this year’s 50th Annual Meeting, Fedima welcomed Gidabil, the Association of food ingredients + improvers manufacturers in Türkiye, as a new member. Dr Mehmet Çetin Duruk, Gidabil Chairman, presented the Turkish association, which was founded in 2000. The association currently has 42 members. Gidabil is looking forward to be part of the Fedima, thereby strengthening the bakery and pastry ingredient network.

To celebrate its Golden age, Fedima was pleased to host four keynote speakers: Dr. Yi Liu (EFSA), who thanked Fedima for contributing to EFSA assessments on the dietary exposure of enzymes, Franz Kraus (Public and Governmental Affairs professional) on the new EU landscape, Anne Fremaux (GIRA) and Hubert Chiron (INRA) who tackled the important topics of the sweet bakery markets in the EU and improving efficiency in baking.

This year marks a milestone in Fedima’s history. Fedima will remain dedicated to ensure food safety standards are maintained, to appropriately inform our customers and consumers, to support bakery sector promotion and to protect occupational health and safety.