GLCC: Miluga Bread signed contract with Wal-Mart Shenzhen

Beijing / CN. (prn) Good Life China Corporation (GLCC) announced that its Shenzhen Bread Company (Miluga Bread) subsidiary has signed a cooperation agreement with Wal-Mart in Shenzhen for the purchase of a wide variety of bakery products. The products include traditional baked products as well as an agreement for Miluga´s very popular moon cakes. Wal-Mart Stores is one of the biggest and most exclusive chain stores in Hubei Province, having more than eleven branch stores around Shenzhen alone.

Exchange rate on March 06th, 2009 (Interbank):
2’000’000,000 Chinese Renminbi Yuan (CNY) = 231’000,00 Euro (EUR)
1 Chinese Renminbi Yuan (CNY) = 0,11550 Euro (EUR)

Importantly, it is a testament to Miluga´s production capabilities and quality control that it is able to meet the strict standards of Wal-Mart – GLCC said in a statement: Key factors that gave Miluga the competitive edge include superior product quality, excellent service and on-time delivery. Gross revenues by Wal-Mart from the sales of Miluga´s mooncakes alone are projected to reach more than two million CNY annually – in China a lot of money.