Grain pool: becomes profitable to three countries

Kiev / UA. (ami) The foundation of the grain pool will become the composition of competitive advantages of three countries – Russia, Kazakhstan and Ukraine, noticed Vladimir Yasinskiy, the member of Executive Board of Eurasian bank for development. According to him, the countries do not have direct competitive relations between each other. At the same time, Kazakhstan produces high-quality milling wheat, Russia lower grade milling wheat and Ukraine feed wheat. The mutual share of the countries takes nearly one third of the world market of grains, added he. The absence of well-adjusted export infrastructure became one of the main problems in Kazakhstan, marked Yasinskiy. Kazakhstan, Russia and Ukraine will receive mutual advantages from construction of the export infrastructure in the country towards the Black Sea ports. The other evident advantage contains in the scheme of grain mutual substitution. In the case of the pool formation, the scheme will make cheaper grain storing, added Yasinskiy (source: