Grains export: «Russia should not wait …»

Moscow / RU. (ami) Russia should not wait, when the world market will increase demand in Russian grains, but should offer the product to all potential buyers with priority rates, stated Sergey Levin, the General Director of OJSC United Grain Company.

According to him, Russia needs the strategies, developing the country export potential and taking to priority developing of the export-oriented grain market infrastructure. By 2015 Russia should increase grain export volumes from 21 to 40 million tonnes per year; to increase capacities of linear and consolidate elevators by nearly 20 million tonnes – from 32 to 52 million tonnes; to increase grain volume transportation by route trains; to provide the export-oriented grain market infrastructure with port shipment capacities, by increasing the capacities from 22 to 40 million tonnes per year.

The General Director noticed, that developing of export-oriented grain sale channels shared by geographic principle is the most important task of the company. Thus, grain export volumes reaching the level of eleven million tonnes from grain producing regions of the Southern, Volga and Central Federal District may be carried through the ports of the Azov-Black Sea basin to the countries of the North Africa, the Middle East, countries of the South and the South-East Asia. Grain producing regions of the Siberian and the Far East Districts are planned to export grains in the capacity of four million tonnes through the ports of the Far East to the countries of the East and the South-East Asia, and grain producing regions of the Central and Northwestern Federal Districts – through the Baltic ports to the countries of the West Africa and the South America in the capacity of one million tonnes.

According to S.Levin, the priority direction of grain exports of United Grain Company is the Eastern passage – grain exports through the ports of the Black Sea and the Far East to the countries of the South, South-East and East Asia. The planned grain export volumes of United Grain Company to the countries of the East Asia and the South-East Asia total 8,5 million tonnes annually, including throughout the ports of the Black Sea – 4,5 million tonnes (source: