Grupo SOS: announces results for H1/2008

Madrid / ES. (sos) «In biscuits we highlight the relatively modest increase in input prices. This allowed the Group to increase sales by 4,6 percent in the domestic market thanks to the strong performance by those of our products having greater added value, particularly wholemeal biscuits», Spanish Grupo SOS says in its statement about the results for the first half 2008.

Altogehter (vegetable oil, rice, biscuits) in the first six months of the year net sales surpassed 745,7 million EUR, up 10,2 percent on those achieved in the first half of 2007. Profitability also improved, with EBITDA up by 12,3 percent to 53,4 million EUR. Finally, net earnings for the period came in at 16,0 million EUR, 10,4 percent up on the first six months of 2007.

All the Group´s business divisions reported improved figures in the first half of the year. In all the vegetable-oil division of the Grupo SOS accounted for 64,0 percent of net sales and 53,6 percent of consolidated EBITDA. The rice division accounted for 21,6 percent of Group sales and 22,9 percent of consolidated EBITDA. The biscuit division was responsible for 8,9 percent of Group turnover and 20,8 percent of EBITDA in the period (complete release).