Health and Nutrition Claims in the European Union

Brussels / EU. (wib) The European Nutrition and Health Claims Regulation came with the beginning of July into force. That means, food companies will only be able to make claims about their nutritional or health benefits approved by the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA). The European Commission, which has been working on the document since 2003, insists the regulations will make food labels in the EU clear, accurate and substantiated. For detailed (political …) information please visit the EFSA-Website. For your practical knowledge in the following some questions and answers (Click [+] for details):

  • 01. What are Nutrition Claims?
  • 02. What is the aim of the new EU legislation on health and nutrition claims on food?
  • 03. What products will be covered by the Health and Nutrition Claims legislation?
  • 04. How will it be decided which health claims can or cannot be used?
  • 05. What does the Regulation set out in terms of nutrient profiles of foodstuffs and the claims they can carry?
  • 06. What is the procedure for establishing these nutrient profiles?
  • 07. What rules are set out for trademarks and brand names?
  • 08. What does the Regulation provide for alcoholic products?
  • 09. Will any health and nutrition claims be completely banned?
  • 10. Are there any benefits for the food industry in the new rules?
  • 11. What measures will start to apply immediately from July 01, and what provisions are subject to a transitional period?