iba 2015: How visitors can best prepare themselves

Munich / DE. (ghm) From the 12th until the 17th September, iba 2015 presents a comprehensive overview of the entire trade, as well as its new products and innovations at the Fairground Messe München. Trade fair expert Daniel Gundelach shares some tips on how trade visitors can prepare for iba, and we will provide a proper preparation checklist for a visit to iba.

Daniel Gundelach recommends that «you should begin your concrete preparations for attending the trade fair at least one week beforehand». However, if you are looking to arrange any appointments in advance, you should start considerably earlier, because then the chances of getting one of these desired appointments are much greater. The extent of preparations will depend on individual goals for the trade fair: does the visitor want to primarily cultivate existing contacts, or would they like to acquire a comprehensive overview of the market? As a global trade fair, iba is naturally the perfect opportunity for the latter, because it offers the right package for caterers, restaurateurs, decision-makers from the food retail industry, and baking and confectionery business of any size. According to Gundelach, a quick advance search in the online catalogue to see all the fields represented at iba requires two hours. «And that is the absolute minimum», he is quick to stress. Anyone who wants exact details and would like to make appointments must definitely give themselves more time.

Comprehensive and useful information in the online catalogue

Whether for a short overview or detailed research, the iba website offers all trade visitors an excellent opportunity to find out more about the trade fair. The online catalogue is the most comprehensive way to find out more and get prepared. Here you can search specifically for certain exhibitors, brands, products or product groups. It is possible to bookmark your favourites, and also find links to websites, telephone numbers, stand numbers, hall plans, and information on new innovations. The free iba app is available to download as of the end of June, and according to Gundelach this app is without doubt the perfect companion for the trade fair from the moment you arrive. «The app makes detailed planning easier, as well as helping to find exhibitors in the various halls and offering additional info about special exhibitions such as «Coffee World» and «SnackTrendS», not to mention the programme for the iba forum».

An artisan handicraft guide is also being published for the first time this year, and will be available at the trade fair. This guide informs artisan bakers and confectioners which exhibitors have products tailored for them. Also celebrating its premiere this year is the iba’s very own «SnackGuide», introducing all the exhibitors in this field; also premiering is the new programme planner on the iba website, which lists all the events, presentations, and expert demonstrations in the iba programme, from the iba forum to the international competitions which take place during the trade fair.

Gundelach explains that iba is an opportunity for bakeries and confectioners of all business sizes to continue their professional development and to collect a wealth of information. Do not forget that the entire trade comes together here; you can expand your network and exchange views with colleagues from all over the world, not only at the trade fair itself, but also in the pleasant and traditional Bavarian atmosphere of the iba Oktoberfest tent, each evening on the trade fair grounds. Gundelach advises that it is sensible to give thought beforehand as to what you would like to find out, and which information channels at the trade fair are best suited to this: presentations and expert demonstrations at the iba forum, guided trade fair tours, watching the competitions, meeting industry colleagues from home and abroad, or simply speaking with exhibitors. If wanting to speak with exhibitors, he recommends coming up with a list of topics and questions which you definitely want to discuss: «This is how I would ensure that by the end of the day I really had learnt all that I had wanted to».

Smart time management at the trade fair

When coming up with a schedule, the trade fair expert warns against arranging too many appointments. He advises that «no more than three quarters of the available time should be planned in advance», especially considering that iba boasts twelve exhibition halls, offering a comprehensive overview of all fields of the trade. «That is another part of good preparation: studying at the exhibition layout and optimising the route you will take». Gundelach goes on to say that peak visitor times in the halls must also be taken into consideration, and that it is worth planning in some time to be able to note things down after conversations. As well as all this, there is simply so much to see at iba, from fascinating technology to leading experts in their fields. After all, at this trade fair there is machinery to be seen in action, and in some halls there are even entire production lines set up, not to mention that the world’s best bakers and confectioners can be seen competing in open bakehouses as part of international competitions.

iba takes place every three years, and sets the trade’s course for the coming years. This event is the perfect opportunity to learn all about this industry and to plan for the future, says Gundelach, «because iba is where exhibitors introduce their new innovations, and it is here that the trade visitor can see upcoming trends and learn how the market is developing».