IGW: Experience and enjoy organic food in all its diversity

Berlin / DE. (igw) Consumers who buy organic food exercise more, pay greater attention to their diet, and feel healthier. The latest research findings, for example by the National Food Consumption Survey II, show that there is a direct link between buying organic food and a consumer´s lifestyle. More and more people appear to be changing their lifestyle, showing more responsibility towards themselves, the environment, and are becoming more aware of social aspects such as fairness. The market for organic food is benefiting from this trend. During the recession it fared better than the food industry overall, and the signs are very positive.

At the International Green Week (IGW) from 21 to 30 January 2011 in Berlin, in a display area covering 3’000 square metres, the 14th Bio Market and the Fair Trade Forum (one of 60 exhibitors) will be highlighting the connection between organic food and fair trade. Naturland, the association representing the organic food industry, and the charity Brot fuer die Welt will be addressing the topic of «Ensuring food supplies at global and regional level». Visitors to the stage organised by the Bio Market will be able to enjoy the live experience of observing a variety of aspects of ecological farming.

On the second Friday, fresh from receiving their awards at a ceremony with Federal Minister of Agriculture Ilse Aigner, the winners of the Prize for Promoting Ecological Cultivation will make their appearance at the fair. Taking as its slogan «Experience and enjoy organic food in all its diversity», the Ministry for Agriculture will once again be represented at the Bio Market at the stand of the National Ecological Cultivation Programme. Among the new products on show at the Green Week will be organically grown coffee from various rainforest regions. Connoisseurs will be able to sample rare blends such as Sidamo from Ethiopia, Mandailing, a strong blend from the island of Sumatra, or Kachalu, a tasty coffee from Colombia. These coffee crops are grown by small farms and cooperatives, whose members are guaranteed fair pay and access to education and healthcare.

The prospects for the market for organic food continue to be very promising. Alexander Gerber, Managing Director of the industry´s umbrella organisation, the Organic Food Production Alliance (BÖLW): «Ecological cultivation is an industry with a future that will continue to make steady gains. In 2010 sales growth in the retail trade was impressive, reaching around nine per cent», said Gerber. Thomas Dosch, President of Bioland Deutschland, is delighted with the strong demand for organic food produced in local regions. In his view, this is the only way to ensure that the environmental benefits of ecological farming have a direct impact on our lifestyle.