FoodDrinkEurope: Industry backed initiatives for Balanced Diets and Healthy Lifestyles

Milan / IT. (fde) Want to know what food and drink companies across Europe are doing about salt reduction? How they innovate in terms of nutritional content? What kind of research they have undertaken in this area? How they help consumers make healthier choices for their individual diets? Or what the food and drink industry does to promote healthy and active lifestyles? And much more …?

On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the EU Platform for Action on Diet, Physical Activity and Health, FoodDrinkEurope launches its new Balanced Diets and Healthy Lifestyles publication. FoodDrinkEurope was one of the founding members of the Platform and decided to celebrate the event by highlighting an impressive series of initiatives put in place by the food and drink industry to promote and encourage all of us to adopt balanced diets and live healthy lifestyles.

The publication offers a substantial overview of best practices and original initiatives implemented by individual companies, European sector associations and national federations in order to enhance the formulation of their products; to innovate and offer more choice to consumers; to encourage research to support this innovation; to increase and promote consumer information; to contribute to responsible marketing and advertising, in particular to children, and more generally to insist on the importance of healthy lifestyles.

On Day 3 of its Congress held at Expo Milano – «Taste of Tomorrow», June 29 to Juli 03 – FoodDrinkEurope chose to acknowledge the work accomplished by the food and drink industry to anticipate and address some of Europe’s major health challenges of today. The publication’s content will form the basis for an ambitious FoodDrinkEurope «Framework commitment» that will allow for the continuous monitoring of FoodDrinkEurope members’ activities in nutrition and health in the EU.