Kazakhstan: increased grain export forecast 2010/2011

Astana / KZ. (ami) On August 18, the Ministry of Agriculture of Kazakhstan increased the forecast of grain export volumes from the country in 2010/2011 Milling Year to the level of eight million tonnes. According to the Ministry of Agriculture in the current year, the country plans to export four million tonnes of grains from the general volume to the countries of the Middle Asia and Afghanistan, and two million tonnes to the Caucasian countries. Russia, Iran and other countries will also import two million tonnes of grains from Kazakhstan. Akhylbek Kurishbayev, the Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, promulgated the forecast of grain exports at the level of six million tonnes. According to him, the country would export four million tonnes of grains from the general volume to the countries of the Middle Asia and Afghanistan, and two million tonnes to the Caucasian countries (source: agrimarket.info).